What is this?

I'm interested in making a Zettelkasten tool that I can use to make my own evergreen notes repository.

The primary ingredients are: notes, ids, tags, and indexes.

This is a note. It's a short plain-text document that records my thoughts around some central idea.

Right now notes are plain text, but I hope to have them become a little more sophisticated in the future.

Every note has an id, which are '.' delimited numbers. For example this note's id is '1'.

A note's id never changes. If I want to add to a note in the future, I can add another dot-suffix.

E.g. If I write notes '1', and '2', and want to follow up with '1', I can write '1.1', and then '1.2'.

The follow-ups might even get their own follow-ups, '1.2.1', '1.2.2', and so on.

Tags are strings used to mark topics that are common to multiple notes.

At the time of writing, this note has the "azet" tag, since "azet" is the name of the tool right now.

Tags can change in the future. The most boring way is to unify a bunch of ways of saying the same thing.

E.g. "My Systems", "Systems", "Systems in Use" might all get re-named to a single tag "Systems".

Tags also might change as my ontology changes. In general I don't think I'll remove many tags, but I might replace them as I refine my thoughts.

Indexes are auto-generated lists that make it easy to traverse notes.

The ID Index links to all notes by id, in order.

The Tag Index links to all notes with a given tag.

tags: azet

id: 1